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FACS Teacher's Classroom Companion
FACS Teacher's Classroom Companion
Product Price $50.00
Sale Price: $40.00
Savings: $10.00

Quantity in Stock:3

Product Code: 005

Created to make managing the FACS classroom easier and more efficient. Included are the complete National Standards for Family and Consumer Sciences Education; Today in FACS History section highlighting an historic FACS fact for each day of the year; a Power Lesson Plan template; and forms for managing inventories, budget, equipment maintenance, public relations, student absences, and parental contacts. Customizable and expandable, the FACS Teacher’s Classroom Companion is a must for the busy FACS professional! 246 pages. 8 1/2 x 11, three-ring binder. ©2012 New section--The FACS Soundtrack! Music is a powerful instructional tool! The FACS Soundtrack includes 430 popular songs divided into FACS content area Playlists. Make your FACS classroom rock and your lessons memorable with music!

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